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- **** ARNIE FINEN + BAZ KELLY ************************************** PAGE ****
- Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllooooo PAGERS!
- Right then, the wee willied woosies have all gone now and it's
- time for us and you to rock the night away! I'm ARNIE FINEN and
- that lump in the corner over there is BAZ KELLY, come over 'ere Baz and
- say hello... Go on the button there...
- What the hell, it will do!
- Right then, we have written to your ed and our ed DAN and told him
- that we are going to have our own little place in Page wheather he
- likes it or not! (Don't really have a choice then do I - DAN!).
- Right then, but what is this place all about? Well, it is for anything
- you bloody well feel like really. You could write to us, address it
- to DAN at the usual address and then he will pass 'em on. Right then
- now for some stuff about us:
- My name is ARNIE FINEN, I've gotten meself an A500 with Workbench 1.1,
- (I know I'm a sad bastard, but I'm unemployed!). Me favourite game
- is Mortal Kombat II and I love taking the piss out of people. I've
- got a Mega Drive aswell, and I hate bloody grammar. Now over to Baz..
- Hello there people. Right then, hello! Please ignore my friend
- (admittedly) Arnie's sharp toung. If you want to send him some hate
- mail then please do. I'm also unemployed and I've got nothing better
- to do than sit around here with this smelly bugger who is at the
- moment scratching his arse. As this is the first one we are going
- to just have a piss about. Well we are going to do this every disk
- really. To let you know who is talking, we will now tell the computer to
- put an A in front of any text I write and a B in front of Baz's...
- A- Hello!
- B- Hello!
- A - Which means, that either Arnie or Baz is speaking. Or if there are big
- bits of writing (more than a line) then you may see:
- A-
- This is a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long line!
- or
- B-
- This is alllllllllllllllllllllsssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeeev
- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn lloooooooooo
- nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr
- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt
- ooooooooooooooooooooooooofffffffffffffffff
- sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttTTT!
- See!
- A-
- OK, shut up now Baz. We are going to be giving you some computer
- charts (when we can be arsed) so here is me own little games charts:
- 1. Mortal Kobat deux
- 2. Bomb X (uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhr!)
- 3. Dirty Moves (uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrr!)
- 4. Pinball Fanatsies
- 5. Monkey Island 1 - 2
- OK!
- B-
- Well, I suppose I had better give you mine:
- 1. Push Over (You very SAD man!! -A) (Shut up! -B)
- 2. Uridium 2
- 3. Captain Planet (Fnnnnaaar! -A) (SHUT UP! -B)
- 4. Road Rash
- 5. Mortal Kombat
- A- Should we let the nice people know how we both talk to each other?
- B-
- Yeah, well we have two Amigas linked to modems and we have a chat with
- each other, and then save the whole thing as ASCII format and bung it on
- a disk. We are both in our own houses, just accross the street from each
- other. And , oh hang on... Arnie what time is it?
- A- 10:19 PM
- B-
- OK, just about here we are going to be doing our letters bits, you
- can write to us, but unlike Dan's P.O.V, you will get sod all for a
- great letter, but you may get a mouth full of abuse from Arnie.
- A- TRUE!
- B- Hang on, do you wanna just make up some letters
- A- OK! No body will know. I bet its what that Dan Wood does most
- of the time!
- B- Yeah! Me first!
- A- No me!
- B- OK, just stop making that hand signal from your window.
- A- Here we go:
- Dear Arnie,
- You are the most beutiful, sexy, lovely, excellent, cool,
- raunchy, excellent, master of the universe, I love you so much
- and I want to have your children! Bye!
- How was that..?
- B- Very, very feeble attempt, here's mine:
- Dear Baz,
- Arnie is a very sad man, he is a dick head, pimp, idiot,
- condom faced, spastic, piece of white dog shit! Please execute
- him immediately and hang his testicles from the top of Big
- Ben in London, thanks your wonderfulness Baz.
- A- Ha ha! This reminds me of the good old days on Honey BBS.
- B- You mean... on Honey Bulletin Board System!!!
- A- Aye! Ladies and gentlemen, what we used to do about 10 years
- ago is a late night chat show on modem. We used to have 2 Commodore
- 64s and link then up with null cables and also to a modem at a
- BBS called Honey. People used to have good talk with us down the modem
- from 10 in the night till 4 in the morning and we used to give out some
- pissingly excellent PD programs and play loads of module songs, and
- we are at the moment talking about getting on a BBS, so you
- may be able to see our little Talk At Night show on a BBS near
- you in the coming years.
- B- Not me!
- A- Why not you sad lump of crap?
- B- Too late for me!
- A- Why? All you do all day is sleep till 12:00 and then go down the pub!
- B- So do you!
- A- I'm a student now! :-/
- B- But you only go to one lecture a week and get payed £2000 a year off
- the government for doing sod all!
- A- Shut it ass wipe! You'll give me away!
- B- They all know now.
- A- Delete this bit later on.
- B- I already have (cheesy smiley **> :-)) - He he!)
- A- Enough of this crap. What shall we do now then.
- B- I dunno... know any good jokes?
- A- Oh yeah! Here's one:
- What does Mr Blobby get after he has been in the bath too long?
- B- I don't know, what does Mr Blobby get after he has been in the bath
- too long?
- A- A Crinkly Bottom!
- B- Ha :-(.
- A- Well you do better!
- B- OK then! Err................ Wait a moment............. oh shit! Hang
- on! ......
- A- Yawn!
- B- .........
- A- What time is it now? Oh look, I have some saucy pictures on the wall!
- B- ..................... eh? .... Oh! I'm getting one now!
- A- So am I! :'-)=)
- B- Ahem! Right then... What is a pigs favourite Ballet?
- A- Dunno
- B- Swill Lake!
- A-
- B- Well?....................
- B- Hello! Arnie!
- A- Wah! Oh sorry, I was nodding off...
- B- What did you think of the joke?
- A- Oh it was shit! Right then lets move on from this now eh YAWN!
- B- OK then. See any good videos lately?
- A- Yes I did. I bought the film War Games the other week and it is rather
- good!
- B- Tell us a bit about it then matey!
- A- Right then... it stars Mathew Boderick, you know him out of that new
- film!
- B- Oh yeah, where he has a beard! What's it called?
- A- Sod knows! If you readers know then write to us: What's the address
- B- Hang on I'll just go and get this months Amiga Shopper!..... Oh, the
- adverts changed in here for Jemsofts group!
- A- Has it.
- B- Yeah
- A- Let me check the XMas one, that was the last on I bought. It says in
- here:
- Darligton Jemsoft Amiga
- Users. Contact Danwood,
- 3 Cavendish Drive, Dar-
- lington, Co Durham
- DL1 2GQ
- B- Yeah. It's changed a little, now it says:
- Darlington Jemsoft North-East
- Amiga Users. WRITE to:
- Daniel Wood, 3 Cavendish
- Drive, Northlands, Co
- Durham DL1 2GQ
- A- They've fixed that error in his name eh.
- B- Yeah! Right then readers, that's the address to write to, on the letter
- inside, just say it's for us dudes and Dan will pass 'em on I hope!
- A- Right. If you know the name of the film then let us know. Back to
- War Games
- B- Oh yes!
- A- Mathew Boderick, is a boy called David Lightman and he hacks computers.
- One morning he is in the video arcade playing on the arcade verison
- of Galaga
- B- Cracking good game, check out the Page PD Winners Disks!
- A- How do you know its on them?
- B- I've got one.
- A- How?
- B- Secret!
- A- Sly weasel! Oh, and David is late in for school and he comes in to
- the class late. He sits down and the teacher hands him his essay and
- he gets an F "because he doesn't pay attention in class!". When I go
- to college and the lecturer says, "Where's your eaasy Mr Finen?", I
- just say, "Look, I haven't done it, I couldn't be arsed, and I couldn't
- give a shit... so just sod off!". And that seems to work.
- B- Yeah
- A- Anyway, a mate of his called... hang on let me check the box...
- Jennifer also gets an F.
- B- Then what?
- A- Well he takes the piss out of the teacher next. They are having sex
- education
- B- Always my favourite lesson!
- A- Yeah, sod the oral, on with the practical!
- A- Sorry readers, we can get carried away, being single and all that!
- B- Ahem!
- A- Right then, the teacher says to him, "David, who first invented the
- idea of reproduction without sex?" and he says "Your wife!"
- B- Good on him!
- A- Well he gets shot out and has to go to the princi, prince, princif,
- B- Head master ust say!
- A- OK. And he is waiting outside his room and he pulls down this little
- wood board on the desk with a computer on outside the head's room with
- the codes on for the schools computer!
- B- Ah! So thats why he pissed off the teacher!
- A- Yes! and when he gets home, him and Jennifer hack the computer
- and chage their grades!
- B- That's what I did!
- A- Yes UUUUHR!
- B- No seriously!
- A- Really!
- B- Yeah.
- A- What was the pass word for it?
- B- ohhh, it was Books I think.
- A- bad password eh?
- B- Right then what happens?
- A- You'll have to get the film out and see!
- B- I can't ust rent out any film I like you know!!!
- A- Hey! That's the second time that's happened. You've typed ust instead
- of just.
- B- I know my J key is shit. I have to press it rock hard JJJJJJjjJJJjjJj.
- A- Ok then. I'm off to bed now!
- B- Bloody hell is it that time already!
- A- Yip. We'll have more next ish readers, we may not be in every issue
- but we will be in occasionaly when we chat. We will have a better
- section next disk when we have some saucy letters to deal with.
- B- Good night Arnie!
- A- Good night Baz!
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